Sunday 28 July 2013

Menu #2: Slip Inside The Eye Of Your Mind


Picture Perfect - Jodi Picoult

Serving Suggestion: A steady stream of snacks and catchy background music, as you will probably want occasional distactions from a less than captivating novel.


Picture Perfect is not one of Jodie Picoult’s strongest novels, lacking the emotional intensity of The Pact and the strength of plot of My Sister’s Keeper (no, this praise doesn’t extend to the film version!). Picture Perfect strays dangerously towards being a trashy chic-lit read; the protagonist has a film-star husband, innumerable assets and has had a classic rags-to-riches life. However, true to Picoult’s novels, all is not quite so straightforward and the novel retains much of her signature soul-searching plot lines that shake up the potentially vacuous narrative.
The novel delves interestingly and effectively into the often-overlooked scenario of domestic abuse and its causes and ramifications. The writing allows a fairly open, unbiased account which challenges the reader to contemplate the matter and draw one’s own conclusion. However, none of the characters are developed enough to ensure that the reader fully understands their motivations and identifies with them, which leaves purportedly tense and emotional scenes rather flat.
Furthermore, the Native American aspect is incredibly token and comes across as a convenient supplement, included only to serve one small aspect of the plot, and otherwise irrelevant, a great shame as literature concerning Native Americans is already rather limited. All in all, an interesting, easy-to-read novel but not one that will stay with you for any longer than it takes to donate it to a charity bookshop.

Main Course

Still Alice - Lisa Genova
Serving Suggestion: Everything you love. Indulge and appreciate.

Still Alice by Lisa Genova is an incredibly emotive novel about a fifty year old woman who has to cope with the fact that she has developed early-onset Alzheimer's Disease. It is simply and beautifully written: Genova writes saliently and without pity or flamboyance from the mind of her protagonist. The narrative voice ties in relatable everyday occurrences that ground the novel in reality and therefore allow the emotional impact of Alzheimer's kicking in to be fully felt. Implanting a well-known but infrequently discussed disease in the mind of the reader allows real empathy for sufferers and concerns that they may have, such as the fear of passing the disease on to their children, the terror of becoming a burden to the family they love and losing the simple functions, akin to basic human rights that we continually take for granted.
I read this novel whilst waiting to hear my degree result and it was a harrowing and humbling reminder that no matter how much seemingly monumental events may concern or distress us, we are incomprehensibly fortunate because we are in control of our own bodies and in possession of our own minds.


 Silver Linings Playbook - Matthew Quick

Serving Suggestion: Something sweet to soothe the occasional sniffle brought on by this deep yet easy read. 
Silver Linings Playbook is a beautiful little book that’s a quick read yet deceptively deep. Following the life and thoughts of Pat, the reader soon realises that he has some sort of disorder that manifests itself in his obsession with exercise, an even deeper obsession with his estranged wife Nicki and endearing belief that every story, including his own, must have a happy ending. Pat’s tale unobtrusively demonstrates the emotional impact a trauma can impart on the life of not just the immediate sufferer, but on their entire family. His integration back into normal life, having left a psychiatric unit, involves a difficult, slow bonding with his father, an emotional development with regards to his mother, whom he begins to appreciate, and a surprising and touching friendship with Tiffany, a similarly distressed soul.
Most beguiling though is his childlike, insightful view on life. There is a lesson to be learnt from Pat who is practising ‘being kind, instead of right’. Although idealised, his innocence draws attention to the slightly darker aspects of mass culture, such as his horror and anguish at losing control and punching an opposing football team’s supporter in front of the man’s son, only to be congratulated by his brother and friends.
Similarly, the sadness and confusion he feels at the insensitivity shown to a celebrity who had been so unhappy as to attempt to commit suicide is a subtle reminder at the often cold manner with which humans can treat each other for insignificant reasons. As well as a sweet and emotional story, this novel pulls slightly deeper to consider relationships between many people and aspects of society as a whole, in a tale that warms the heart and wets the eye.

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